Archive for the ‘Comics’ Category

Movin’ on up…


So, I’ve redesigned my page and am going to be hosting it myself from now on. Come visit me there at if you want to see my latest works (& I know you do).

Notes to Bean…


I’ve begun creating a comic strip series of observation, advice and inspiration in celebration and contemplation of the little bun in my wife’s oven. I’m planning to have a few dozen of them by the time my Bean is born. Give a look, leave a note of your own to the little guy if you’d like, share it with any parents-to-be you might know of.

I’m with…


It’s an established fact that Conan O’Brien is a preferable talk show host to Jay Leno (one that apparently NBC execs are unaware of). After seeing literally hundreds of my fb friends sign up for the “I’m with COCO” club, it occurred to me that virtually ANY Coco would make a more compelling host than the whiny talking chin.
So, given that I have this moderately funny parody idea and nowhere to put it… I’m experimenting with a self-distribution model that also uses the whole grass-roots social media campaign. If it gives you a chuckle, link up to it, and pass it along to your friends. Maybe enough of them will order a print to make this experiment a success.
PS: I hardly watch TV, but FYI, Jimmy Kimmel trumps Conan, Leno, Letterman, Fallon & Ferguson. That said even Kimmell is no Byron Allen!



Comic book and Comic Strip material created in Photoshop, Pen & Ink and Mixed Media Techniques.

Penciled, inked, colored, toned, lettered and sometimes written by Dave Berns

Who doesn’t love a good comic book or comic strip? Ok, besides people with sex lives? That’s what I thought! So make believe you’re a 40-something geek living in Mom’s basement, dig into these sequential goodies and enjoy.

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